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What Are the Different Types of Wet Basement Solutions?

waterproofing-basementAre you dealing with a wet basement and looking for an effective solution right now? Or have the recent flooding situations in Alberta and Ontario caused you to worry about your basement’s ability to remain dry?  Basement flooding and excessive moisture in the basement is a common problem for a lot of people, and anyone that lives in a house should count basement waterproofing as one of those ‘must-do’ tasks. 

Why Is It Needed?

In the most basic terms, basement waterproofing is needed so you can keep water and moisture from collecting in the basement.  A wet basement can lead to rotting of wood and the formation of mold and dangerous conditions with the electrical elements.

Some of the ways that a basement gets wet in the first place include condensation coming off pipes or collecting on walls due to high humidity levels, cracks or holes in the foundation of the house or rainwater or other forms of moisture that come in from the outside.  The floor drain is a common spot that exterior water finds its way into a basement.  The type of wet basement solution that is used depends on how the moisture is getting into the basement.


Exterior solutions for a leaky basement will require some excavation.  The foundation wall of the home must be exposed right down to the footing.  This may seem like an awful lot of digging, and it can be a disruptive solution to the problem.

After the digging is done, the exterior wall must be cleaned off and thoroughly inspected for cracks.  Then, the walls are sealed and weeping tiles are positioned at the side of the footing.  Good plumbers will take the time to check if the weeping tile is connected to the drain or sump properly, and then it’s just a matter of replacing all that earth and putting everything back the way it was.


For an interior solution, only minimal digging or excavation is necessary but it’s still a job better left to the professionals.  Basically, water must be collected from cracks in the walls and other foundation wall defects and then directed to a sump pump before it is sent out of the house.

Before either type of wet basement solution is used, it makes sense to have one of our experts come in and do a video inspection of the house’s drainage system to determine the best course of action.  The same solution isn’t perfect for every situation, even if they seem similar.  Give us a call today if you have a wet basement, and we can get to work and find you a solution.

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