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What is basement water proofing?

  • Basement Waterproofing is used to prevent water from getting into the basement of your house essentially.
  • Waterproofing is needed anytime a structure is built at ground level or below ground
  • Waterproofing is needed when the ground water likely builds up in the soil and raises the water table – this higher water table causes Hydrostatic pressure (Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted by a fluid at equilibrium due to the force of gravity – wikipedia) to be exerted under the basement floors and against basement walls.
  • This pressure forces water in through cracks in your foundation walls, through openings caused by expansion and contraction of the footing-foundation wall joint and up through the floor cracks.
  • This can cause major structural damage and will most likely cause mold, decay and other moisture related problems.
  • The most common place for water to get into your basement is from the floor drain and / or joints in the foundation wall, concrete floor and footing.


Different types of water proofing

Exterior basement water proofing

In order to take this route, we excavate, exposing the foundation wall all the way down to the footing. Then we need to clean and inspect the exterior wall for any cracks. Once excavated, the walls are sealed with waterproofing membrane and new drainage (weeping tiles) are placed at the side of the footing This is good time to check the connection of the weeping tile to the drain or sump to make sure it is working properly.

Interior basement water proofing

This is great for anyone who does not want to disturb the outside appearance of their home! No landscaping will be harmed here!

  • water will collect under the concrete foundation and be directed into your local drainage system
  • They function by draining underground water from alongside the foundation footers and underneath the basement floor. They then, channel it with a French Drain, PVC pipe or through a patented product to a sump pump system, which will then pump the water from the basement.

Wall conduits such as dimple boards or other membranes are fastened to the foundation wall and extend over the new drainage to guide any moisture down into the system. (Wikipedia)

To simplify:

  • Water enters the home via the basement wall/floor joint, through cracks in the foundation walls and/or holes created by faulty or decaying masonry/brick.
  • A perimeter trench drain such as a French drain collects the water before it enters into the basement.
  • Wall vapor barriers/retarders and drip moldings are used and incorporated into the sub-slab perimeter drain to collect water coming from wall cracks and other foundation wall defects, such as pipe protrusions.
  • The drain directs the water to a sump pump.
  • The sump pump directs the water out of the house.

(*** Wikipedia)

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