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What is a Drain Snake?

Marcin from ExpressRooter, the official contractor for Mike Holmes, is here to address some of the common questions that many homeowners ask. What is a Drain Snake? A drain snake is equipment that plumbers use to provide maintenance and to clear debris of any…

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ExpressRooter Plumbing is an Exclusive Holmes Official Contractor!

Today we are excited to announce that ExpressRooter Plumbing has become an exclusive Holmes Official Contractor for the Holmes Makes it Right TV series!

From the letter: “Marcin Wroblewski will have exclusivity within his trade for all plumbing services featured on Holmes Makes It Right. He will hold trade exclusivity for the entire duration of the series, which as it stands is a total of 44 episodes”.

This means that Marcin and the team at ExpressRooter Plumbing will be the ONLY professional plumbing contractors helping Mike Holmes “make it right” for the families and homes featured on the series.

Click here to read the full letter!

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Rheem Canada Teams Up With ExpressRooter and Mike Holmes!

ExpressRooter President Marcin Wroblewski recently had the opportunity to learn about Rheem Canada’s Condensing Tankless Water Heater. Impressed by the unit’s serviceability, engineered design, high quality and ease of installation, Marcin introduced the unit to Mike Holmes, and the rest is history!

The Rheem Condensing Tankless Water Heater will be featured on an upcoming episode of Holmes Makes it Right, where it opened up a new world of possibilities for one lucky homeowner. The energy efficiency of the unity and space savings make it a great choice for tight spaces.

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