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Will Your Foundation Cracks Result in a Wet Basement?

Foundation Cracks Wet BasementYour house is much more than just a building. It is your home, the place where you and your family feel safe and secure. Anything that puts your home at risk can have a major impact on your life.

That’s one of the reasons why homeowners tend to worry at the first sign of any cracks, especially when they appear in, or are related to, foundations. The main concern is whether the structure is safe. It is extremely rare that foundation cracks will result in an unsafe building. But, can the same be said about the potential for a wet basement?

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What is Causing Your Damp Basement?

damp basementYou had great plans to have a downstairs bedroom or family and entertainment room, but you’ve realised that none of them will come to fruition because you have a damp basement. There are a number reasons why moisture might collect in basement spaces, and many of them are fairly easy to remedy.

Causes and Solutions

Basements may become damp or flooded during and after heavy rain like that experienced in the Toronto storms of July 2013 or when snow melts rapidly. In addition, factors inside your home may be triggering the increase of moisture. Causes of a damp basement include:

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Exterior Foundation Waterproofing Techniques

Foundation WaterproofingBasement waterproofing is the only solution to keep water from getting into your basement and causing major structural damage, as well as mold, decay, and other moisture-related issues. Interior and/or exterior foundation waterproofing is required when ground water builds up in the soil raising the water table. This process causes hydrostatic pressure to occur and push against the walls and floors of your basement. Unless your basement is properly waterproofed, the water will force its way in through cracks in the foundation walls, openings caused by expansion and contraction of the footing-foundation wall joint and up through the floor cracks.

As foundation waterproofing is necessary anytime a structure is built below or at ground level, which is the vast majority of cases, the industry has developed various foundation waterproofing techniques. Although interior waterproofing can also help solve part of the problems, it cannot prevent by itself severe damage. Exterior foundation waterproofing remains the only method recognized by the International Building Code as adequate for the prevention of wicking and molding of building materials.

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Why You Must Call a Plumber When Finishing a Basement

Plumber Finished BasementFinishing a basement comes with many satisfactions. In order to enjoy your results for a lifetime, you need to make sure there are no water issues that can potentially cause damage to your property and ruin your investment. There are many elements to be checked, often concealed to the untrained eye, before starting on your basement finishing project. Here are a few reasons why you should call a plumber if you plan to have your basement finished:

  • You may need interior waterproofing prior to finishing a basement. As enthusiastic as you may be with your new project, don’t allow your excitement to cloud your judgment and make sure you waterproof your basement on the inside. Interior waterproofing collects water under the concrete foundation and directs it to the local drainage system. Underground water around the foundation footers and underneath the basement floor is drained and channeled with a PVC pipe, French drain, or other system to your pump system, which will pump the water out of the basement. The exact steps you need to take are to be suggested by a professional plumber.
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3 Basement Plumbing Problems You Can Prevent

Plumbing ProblemsA basement may get flooded for a number of reasons. It is also true that an efficient drainage system plays a significant role in reducing the probability of getting flooded. However, basement plumbing problems can also cause significant water damage despite the fact that the vast majority of them can be traced back to preventable issues. In order to avoid the frustration and expense associated with a flooded basement, you can get informed about the top basement plumbing problems that present high risks of flooding, but which are perfectly preventable through proper upkeep and maintenance:

Sump Pump Failure – The sump pump is an essential element of defense against basement flooding and an important component of your basement plumbing system. However, the sump pump is exposed to debris and detritus buildup around the screen or opening resulting in sump pump failure. Prevention is quite simple. You can start by pouring vinegar through the pump which will disintegrate debris and detritus. You can also have a professional cleaning of your sump pump on an annual basis — ideally right before the rainy season. You should also test it and run it every two or three months and make sure it’s running properly.

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Why Your Basement Drainage System is So Important

basement_drainage_systemWhen facing moisture problems, the best approach is to control the source of the moisture rather than try to stop it as a last line of defense. A modern basement drainage system is designed to capture water before it causes tremendous damage to your basement, and ultimately your home. It is unlikely to keep water issues under control in your basement without a proper drainage system, which becomes your only protection against basement flooding.

A wet basement is one of a homeowner’s worst nightmares. From a soaking basement to persistent leaks, water is no friend to your home. The consequences of a wet basement goes beyond the inconvenient mess and disruption of a household routine. Below are 4 major impacts of an improper drainage system.

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